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Sea Slugs of the Red Sea
Nathalie YonowThis book brings together, for the first time, all known information on the species of sea slugs of the Red Sea, belonging to 130 genera and 52 families. The contents include discussions on taxonomy, distribution, bionomics, habitats, and ecology. An introductory chapter describes in detail the history of studies on sea slugs of the Red Sea, and includes a section reproducing the old engravings, most which have never been seen since their original publication. The book is excellently illustrated by nearly 500 photos of living animals in their natural habitats, representing some 189 species, many of which are depicted for the first time. This book will be of interest to marine biologists, systematists, ecologists, divers and all lovers of the incredible biodiversity of the Red Sea. Dr. Nathalie Yonow has been studying opisthobranchs for over 20 years, following an obsession with marine biology since a child living in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Greece, and Wales. She earned both her B.Sc. and Ph.D. in Swansea University (Wales, United Kingdom). Nathalie Yonow has since been invited on a number of expeditions collecting opisthobranchs from the Red Sea, Mauritius, and the Maldives, as well as being given other Indo-Pacific collections to identify - Ambon, Chagos, Socotra, Réunion, and the Persian Gulf. These form the substance of many publications, and are still on–going research. Her first love is the Red Sea, and her research is based on her own collections as well as additional specimens from museums and enthusiastic divers. Dr. Yonow has contributed sea slug chapters to a number of taxonomic publications from regions ranging from northern European to East African shores. "This book is the first extensive summary of much information scattered in a vast and mostly inaccessible scientific literature on Opisthobranchia in the Red Sea. The identification key and high quality pictures make an accurate determination very easy. Information on biology, such as food, seasons of occurrence, reproductive biology, and wider geographical distribution for each species render this book also very useful for all interested in these fantastic sea slugs..." – Professor Heike Wägele, University of Bonn, Germany. “It was with great interest that I went through your book - it really explains your subject in a way that makes the book readable not only for specialists but also for the lay reader. This is how scientific books should be!” – Dr. Guenther Schefbeck, Austrian Parliament. “It is wonderful finally to find a book of this quality which I can easily take on my diving trips to the Red Sea (and western Indian Ocean). It is light-weight and compact, and user friendly in the marine environment…” – Pam Kemp, award-winning photographer and dive master, U.K. Ordering details . Orders can be made directly from the author. Postage will obviously vary depending upon where the book is to be sent. Purchase through the author will require payment either by check or bank transfer, The details of which are available from the author. Payment by credit card will require ordering through the publishers . On this page, readers can access covers, sample pages, table of contents, and order forms.
For sales inquiries to the author Orders within the United States can be made through Dave Behrens. For more information on prices, etc, go to Red Sea Slugs
or contact Dave at dave@seachallengers.com |