Melibe leonina
Image courtesy of Marc Chamberlain
Browning Pass, Vancouver Island, BC. Canada
Send Marc email at

Welcome to the SLUG SITE!. A home page devoted to the study of Opisthobranch Molluscs.. It is our hope that the slug site might become a way to share photos of critters new to you and new to us. This could facilitate identification of species and desemination of new range, distribution and ecological info on species around the world.

The Opisthobranch Site is maintained by Steve Long. Each month the Opisthobranch Newsletter is published and mailed to paid subscribers while current and back issues may be viewed on the site. Bibliography - Taxon Search (11,000 citations), Taxa, Color illustrations (750+ URL links), Systematic Listand Higher Taxa, Printed illustrations, Publication, and descriptions of files and links to other related sites are all included. In addition, the seaslug list-server is maintained for e-mail correspondence relating to opisthobranchs.

The collection of images that will be presented at this homepage were the combined efforts of fellow branchers, my dive buddies in the San Diego Underwater Photographic Society , the staff at the California Academy of Sciences, Dr. Hans Bertsch , and last but not least, Dave Behrens. The Philippines listing of images is largely from the Anilao region of Batangas (Luzon), an area renown for nudibranch abundance and often dived by the Webmaster through the years.

A second alternate server has been setup as a mirror site for which will remain as the primary gateway.

Everything you wanted to know about Nudibranchs but were too timid to ask by Dr. Hans Bertsch!

Han's Home Page on the Slug Site.

Opisthobranch of the Week! (2/16/2025)

By popular request, a page has been set up for past Opisthobranch of the Week selections by week or alphabetical order.

Have a branch you can't identify or would like to share as Nudibranch of the week?

Webmaster: Michael D. Miller; Send me mail at
© Michael D. Miller, 2025 All Rights Reserved.

This page has been visited times since Nov. 1st. 1995.

