Cape Verde Islands Opistobranchs

The Cape Verde Islands are a group of 10 volcanic islands about 500 km west of the westernmost tip of Africa (the "Cap Vert"). Together, they form the Republic of Cape Verde. Because the cold upwellings on the coasts of western Africa do not reach the Cape Verde Islands, winter minimum temperature (20 degrees Celsius) is considerable higher than that on the corresponding African coast and the marine fauna of the Cape Verde is decidely tropical, with a strong amphi-atlantic component.

Talks given during several conferences on the marine and terrestrial biology of the Cape Verde Islands were published in the journal "Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg". A summary and index is given in volume 159, pages 451-468.

For further information on the islands go to the excellent web page of the University of Massachusetts.

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Picture File List
Image File Size Genus Species
cvi_10a.jpg 17K Pleurobranchus garciagomezi
cvi_11a.jpg 23K Roboastra sp.
cvi_12a.jpg 29K Tambja simplex
cvi_13a.jpg 29K Tambja sp.
cvi_14a.jpg 27K Tambja sp.
cvi_15a.jpg 63K Umbraculum umbraculum
cvi_16a.jpg 74K Tambja simplex
cvi_1a.jpg 44K Aeolid sp.
cvi_2a.jpg 48K Aldisa barlettai
cvi_3a.jpg 30K Cratena scintialla
cvi_4a.jpg 19K Flabellina arveloi
cvi_5a.jpg 46K Hypselodoris picta
cvi_6a.jpg 38K Hypselodoris picta
cvi_7a.jpg 40K Hydatina physis
cvi_8a.jpg 31K Aeolid sp.
cvi_9a.jpg 14K Micromelo undata
cvi_17a.jpg 71K Tambja fantasmalis