Facelina lineata Eliot, 1005 Well every once in a while one comes along that can't be easily ID'ed. Here we go -Herviella - maybe; Flabellina - also a maybe. Wait!, hold the presses! Thanks to Stewart Clarke who is a frequent contributor to the site we have been alerted to the true identity, Facelina lineata ! Stewart in addition to his keen eyes underwater also has a very good memory! Stewart directed us to a 2009 posting on Bill Rudman's Sea Slug Fourum that solved the mystery! The description given there closely aligns with our unknown. Body is translucent white with 4 thin white longitudinal lines. The rhinophores are long smooth and black. The cerata are on arches with a very characteristic white mid-length band followed by a tomato red band, and capped with a white cnidoblast. The head tentacles a very long and white, followed by patches of red on the head. The locality is the Gulf of Kutch, which I have never heard of until now. This is on the west coast of India.
Good show Dishant and Stewart!
Sammamish, WA 98074 May., 2015 Send Dave email at davidwbehrens@gmail.com Send Stewart email at stewartclarke@hotmail.com
By the way folks, this is the only image we have of this Aeolid! Anyone else seen it?
Send Dishant email at dparasharya@gmail.com