Chromodoris geometrica

Image courtesy of Dave Mullins
Currimundi Reef, Caloundra, Queensland, Australia. Canon G10 in Ikelite housing with single Inon Z220 strobe.)
Copyright 2011, Dave Mullins

Chromodoris geometrica Risbec, 1928

Diving in our survey area of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia (our backyard) we sight over the course of every dive quite a number of very common phyllidiids, the most numerous being Phyllidiella lizae and Phyllidiella pustulosa. On those occasions therefore when we sight Chromodoris geometrica it appears rather incongruous with its broad pustulose mantle sprouting a tuft of green dorsal gills.

Described by Risbec in 1928 from New Caledonia, Chromodoris geometrica is found in both the broad Indo-Pacific region and the Indian Ocean, from Japan down to Australia and from the Marshall Islands across to South Africa although it is most commonly reported from the Western Pacific. It presents with an unusual combination of external features. Many divers mistake them for phyllidiids at first and there is no doubt that it is the intention of the texture, pattern and colouration of the mantle to mimic the appearance of their toxic cousins in order to confuse predators.

The pattern on the mantle can vary from a dark background covered with low individual white tubercles to groupings of multiple tubercles which are so numerous it has the effect of reducing the background colour to a mere reticulation. A very distinctive feature is the colour of the gills and the tall rhinophores that although white at their bases the apices however can range from a vivid to a straw-coloured green.

Whereas there are a number of chromodorids that raise and lower their entire mantle as they crawl this species belongs to a small group that only raise and lower their enlarged anterior portion of the mantle when on the move. In the case of Chromodoris geometrica the underside of this flexing anterior portion is coloured violet. The foot also has a dark violet line down each side at its junction with the body.

The Darwinellidae sponge Chelonaplysilla violacea has been identified as its preferred food. Be aware that there are two other related and very similar looking species, Chromodoris conchyliata and Chromodoris hintuanensis (both links courtesy of Bill Rudman's Sea Slug Forum), whose appearance is not without some confusion. Suffice to say that these two species may be differentiated from Chromodoris geometrica by the reddish colour of their gills and rhinophores. Not all authorities however are convinced of the separation. A full discussion thereof would be best tackled in a separate post.


Cobb & Willan 2006. Undersea Jewels, ABRS, Canberra
Rudman & Bergquist 2007. A review of feeding specificity in the sponge-feeding Chromodorididae, Molluscan Research 27(2): 60-88
Mullins D. (Message in) & Rudman W. (Comment) 2008. Chromodoris geometrica
Message #22003, Sea Slug Forum, Australian Museum, Sydney.

Dave Mullins
Queensland, Australia
Oct., 2011
Send Dave email at


The Webmaster was able to record the mantle "flapping" behavior of both Chromodoris geometrica and Chromodoris hintuanensis during a recent trip to Bali, Indonesia.

Gary Cobb and Dave Mullins
on location in Queensland, Australia


This second App in the series covers the Eastern Pacific and is now available from iTunes. Marine scientists, naturalists, students, divers and the world-wide community of Nudibranch enthusiasts will be able to view 420 species that live in the Eastern Pacific region from Alaska to the tip of Chile.

All of the Apps include amazing color photographs, essential facts, scientific names, author and date, scientific classification, size and colors. The Facts page lists the orders and the Families page the families, with a description of what makes each unique. These are Identification Guides by Nudibranch lovers for Nudibranch lovers. Features of the Eastern Pacific App:

1. Nudibranch Facts - Information about Nudibranchs, what they are and what makes them so interesting and unique in the underwater world.
2. Species - An alphabetical listing of 420 species of Nudibranch to be found in the Eastern Pacific Region in a scrollable index that provides access to individual species pages containing a large photo and information about the selected species.
3. Families - Descriptions of the 56 Families represented in this App providing external morphology information that allows comparison and contrast between the Families.
4. Images - The Images Gallery is a scrollable screen of Nudibranch thumbnails. They are presented 4 across the screen providing 24 "at a glance" images.
5. Search - Full search ability. The search capability of this App is both convenient and comprehensive. The search is species centric displaying a list of Species in response to the search input based upon any of Order, Family, Genus, Author, Date, Size, Color, Checked off species or even just a Species name.
6. Information - About the App and tips on how to get the most out it as well as tips on getting the best search and acknowledgments.
7. The ability to check (tick) off Species and to be able to email the List.
8. Navigation around the App is extremely fast, logical and intuitive. The Eastern Pacific App is a stand alone Application built for the Apple iPhone and does not require an Internet connection. It can be purchased from the iTunes App store. Gary would like to thank all those underwater photographers who responded to The Slug Site call and kindly gave of their wonderful images to make this App possible.

Gary is currently working on Four (4) new Nudibranch ID Apps that together will cover the entire world.

For more information see the Nudibranch ID App Website or send Gary email at or send Gary email at

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