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What the hey is this? I thought we had a handle on these new phanerobranch dorids. I am guessing this is a new Tambja. The color matches nothing in Indo-Pacific Nudibranchs and Sea Slugs.
The interesting alternating length of the longitudinal stripes on the body has to be distinctive. This followed by the yellow line abound the head, foot and yellow rhinophores and gill, set this species apart. The species has a white patch on its head and interesting pointed white marks at the end of the shorter longitudinal yellow lines. In between these marking we find dark purplish-blue pigmentation.
At first I wondered if it might be a variation of Tambja sp. 2 on page 119 of the above mentioned book, but that species has black rhinophores and gill. Interestingly, it is also from Papua New Guinea.
John's video shows just how active this species is. It is too bad we know nothing else about its biology. Locality - Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea
BEEN DIVING SINCE 1983 AND HAVE OVER 3500 DIVE LOGGED. I HAVE BEEN TO MOST EVERY WARM WATER DISTINATION. BORNEO , THAILAND,SOLOMONS,PNG,PHILLIPINES,RED SEA,INDONESIA,MEXICO,COSTA RICA. I HAVE DONE THE BIG ANIMALS EARLY ON BUT FIND IT MOST REWARDING TO GO ON TRIPS WITH RODGER STEENE AND NEVILLE COLEMAN AND FIND THE NEVER BEFORE SEEN LITTLE NUDI'S. MY FAVORITE PLACE IS MILNE BAY , PNG ON BOARD THE CHERTAN AND FROM THE TAWALI RESORT WHERE I HAVE A TIME SHARE HOUSE, BUT ANILOA ,PI IS ALSO A FAVORITE. IM MOSTLY SHOOTING HD MACRO VDO BUT DO STILLS ALSO AS A BACKUP. FROM SAME CAMCORDER. THIS PICTURE IS AT TAWALI WITH DIVE BUDDYS. LIVE AND LOVE THE OUTDOORS. LIVED IN RUNNING SPRINGS, CA FOR PAST 40 YEARS HAVE LIVED Send John email at mrjhon69@verizon.net Webmaster's Notes: John Greenamyer probably doesn't need an introduction to most sluggers. John has been contributing videos to the site for some time! In fact, the Tambja video above will be John's 70th presentation on the Slug Site! Pretty incredible when you think about it, to give up taking video of big guys to video our little friends which I believe is up to the challenge of taking video of the larger animals if you are fortunate to find any nowadays! John has been an inspiration along with Alan Grant for prompting my own entry into the world of High Definition Video back in 2006. I am very thankful for the guidance given by both and have never looked back! As the ol' saying goes, it just gets better and better (especially when you are looking at John's videos!).
San Diego, Calif |
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