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Photo courtesy of Kenneth Kopp
Catalina Island
Mar., 2008
Light Table Nudi's
This technique was born out of looking for a way to distinguish my shots - mostly among themselves. I've shot tens-of-thousands of local nudibranch shots. And because I often dive the same waters week after week (its rare for me to travel and dive) I was amassing a huge library of shots of the same 20 or 30 Nudi's.
I know how Nudi's handle light after all these shots - I know how to bounce, how to reflect, how to show their internal organs and how to make them sort of glow. But all of that is from lighting them from the outside - I wanted to light one from the inside. THAT would be cool.
I'm not a photoshop guy - I know some of the basics, but I really do very little to my shots. So to make something really different its going to have to be in the set up of the shot - on the artistic side, and not on the technical side. Its all really done with lighting, exposure a little luck.
One day we found a Hermissenda on a kelp leaf. The surge wasn't too crazy so I had my dive buddy and Professional Nudi Spotter, Claudette come over and light the guy from underneath the kelp leaf with her 21 watt HID (a very powerful underwater dive light.)
The kelp leaf provided an illuminated background for the animal, and I figured some of that light would shine through the critter - I mean they're just mucus in a bag, right?
I turned the strobes on the camera down as low as they could go, so I would only fill flash - just a little pop on the top to give the frame some definition with the majority of the light coming from underneath the Nudi. After a few tries we nailed it.
There are some 'branch's that are better for Light Tabling than others. The translucent ones are the best - like Dendronotus. Hermi is good - one of my favs. The blue Nudis (Fed Ex, Mexichromis, McFarlands, etc.) not so much. The smoother the skin, the more dramatic the effect (Dendy yes, RTD or Red-Tipped Dorid, not so much...)
The very best thing that can happen is you find your subject on a leaf with a hole in it - and he moves over to the hole. One of the Hermi shots is shot like that. The kelp being lit from below nearly always makes as interesting a subject as the Nudi its self in most of these shots.
Claudette makes this fun, as she's always looking for nudi's on kelp. We've shot probably 8 or 9 species - here are some of the better ones:
Flabellina iodinea
Acanthodoris rhodoceras (RTD)
Cuthoa divae
Janolus barbarensis
Hermissenda crassicornis
Shot #2 below is the same little guy on the same kelp leaf as #3 - just a little later (lots of surge down there.) |
Hermissenda crassicornis
WEBMASTER'S NOTES: I don't know about you Folks but if a picture is worth a thousand words then the image that follows tells a story of total determination to capture photographically qualities of our little slug friends that as a norm generally aren't seen! Ken and Claudette are certainly raising the bar in nudibranch photograpy! Stay tuned for more to come from this dynamic nudi duo!
Diving since 1999. Currently doing about 260 local dives a year. Favorite Nudibranch dive is Marine Land, Palos Verdes, CA. We routinely see 12 - 14 species on a single dive there. Got my first camera in 1974. Been shooting digital exclusively since 1998. Been shooting underwater about 3 years (mostly P&S Olympus and Sony.) Moved to the current DSLR (Nikon D200 / Ikelite rig) about 9 months ago. Writer and Marketing executive by profession. When I'm dry, I'm usually fly fishing or pounding and shaking things as a working drummer & percussionist. Married, no kids. We have three house Rabbits. Yeah - its weird for me, too. See more of Ken's work at www.kennethkopp.com
Send Ken email at kenneth@kennethkopp.com