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Point Loma
We are really going off the beaten path this week Folks! I have always wanted to do a presentation on the Point Loma (Ancient Sea Cliffs) area of San Diego and this week veteran contributors Tracy Clark and Mick McMurray made it possible by sending a series of branch images taken on a one day outing. In fact they were taken yesterday, August 9th, 2008.
Point Loma in my experience is always cold at depth. The rule of thumb "50 degrees at 50 feet" seems to apply here and is probably the reason so many branchs are seen in this area. Readers may remember Terry Straits finding of Tochunia tetraquetra at Point Loma. The range of T. tetrauetra is indicated to be the Kuril Islands, Russia to Malibu, California in Dave Behren's and Ali Hermosillo's book Eastern Pacific Nudibranchs . Terry's finding in the Point Loma area represents a definite range extension.
Divers like Tracy, Mick and Terry are a pretty hardy bunch to handle the cold, currents, and choppy water generally present off Point Loma. Many years ago, my own son did his final open water check out dive in this area. He went in sea sick from the boat ride out but the cold water soon revived him. After two dives he was about ready to put off any future plans for diving so I explained to him that he was over the hump and it was all down hill from that point. We shortly did a warm water trip to the PI and he throughly enjoyed that!
For those of you with Flash viewing capability, a short Flash (flv file format) show has been put together based on Tracy and Mick's images. Enjoy, Branchs of the Point Loma Ancient Sea Cliffs
Tracy Clark was certified in 1986, a month after being certified he rented a underwatercamera in Hawaii and was hooked. Tracy is a Public Works Lead Worker . He dives mostly San Diego areas, plus a few trips to Hawaii. He has placed in the PCUPC photo contest, and also the San Diego Unions Nature and Eye photo contest. He has had photos published in the Pacific Diver magazine, Espacio Profundo, and also Helmut Debelius's Nudibranchs of the World. Tracy was SDUPS Photographer of the Year in 1999 and is well on his way to becoming Photographer of the Year for 2008! Tracy as you all know has been a prolific contributor to the Slug Site through the years! Tracy's underwater photograhy equipment includes a Nikon D-70, Sea & Sea housing, two YS-90 strobes.
Send Tracy email at tracyc1@cox.net |