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Eubranchus sanjuanensis Roller, 1972
Since its description, back in 1972, I do not believe thiat very many specimens have been seen. I am certainly not aware of any. A month ago Washington diver/photographer Richard Zade asked me to identify some eggs he had photographed near Port Townsend, in Puget Sound.
It was pretty obvious to me that they were a Eubranchid, and by their numbers, that there must have been a whole bunch of reproductive adults on that hydroid. I asked Rich to snag a sample if he even ran into this type of scene again. How he did it, I cannot believe, but Rich returned to the dive site and found and collected the very same hydroid colony. We now have a dozen or so specimens to share with museums up and down the coast.
The specimen shown above is about 9 mm in length and has ceratal morphology and color slightly different from the only other photo I am aware of on page 112, of “Eastern Pacific Nudibranchs.” The specimen on the right more closely resembles that older photo. No other Eubranchus from this region has orange-red ceratal cores with white tips.
This new information doubles what we knew before, thanks to an inquiring Brancher. Thanks Rich.
Rich is an avid cold water diver and underwater photographer. Didn't start diving until age 60 but making up for it now! Home port Spanaway Wa. guest morage Port Towsend and anywhere else in the "Sunny North West waters" Retired Boeing Machinist + 12 years in the US Army. All photos on this site are © Under the Sound Photogrophy. Please ask if you would like to use them. Email hipshot13@yahoo.com or him at pnwsbuma.com. Well worth taking the time to visit! To see more of Rich's pics Send Rich email at hipshot13@yahoo.com |
Ali Hermosillo and Dave Behrens
Pacific Coast Nudibranchs and Nudibranch Behavior
Send Dave mail at dave@seachallengers.com |