Goniodoris sp. 7 (in NSSI 2nd Ed.) This is a cute little bugger. Members of Goniodoris have a well-developed notal edge as seen here in Andrew's photo. They lack prominent appendages on the notum. Our guy here is uniformly white with a white notal margin. The edge of the foot however has yellow and orange along their full length. The rhinophores are light brown with opaque white markings. The gill is white and the head tentacles brown. This small dorid is known from the Philippines and now Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Dave Behrens |
If we do nothing to protect reefs there will be nothing left to photograph underwater, fewer anticancer drugs, painkillers, antivirals etc. etc.. To help the cause, I've used my images to try and encourage people to donate to Greenpeace, Sea Shepard, Conservation International etc. There are articles on Plastics in the Oceans, Medicines from Reefs and much more,
Reef Images - The Stories.
Send Andrew email at acpuhl@outlook.com |