Chromodoris sp. 11

Images courtesy of Michael Miller
Location: Lembeh Straits, Indonesia
Chromodoris sp. 11 (Bergh, 1905)

We still have lots of new Chromodorids to describe. This guy is one of them.

Although Mike's specimen appears to be a juvenile, it does closely match Chromodoris sp. 11 NSSI 2nd edition.The body is light colored with numerous black lines. In adults the gill rachis is orange. The rhinophores are an orange red. The dark spots between the edge of the mantle and the black lines seem to be characteristic.

Originally found in the Philippines, Mike's critter is from Lembeh.

Dave Behrens
New Braunfels, TX
Oct., 2024
Send Dave email at

Dave and Peg in Texas motif prior to move from
Washington to Texas

From left to right, Terry Gosliner, Angel Valdes, Dave Behrens La Jolla, Calif.

Send Dave email at
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