Anisodoris punctuolata

Anisodoris punctuolata was described by D'Orbigny, 1837 and is the type species of the genus. It has a known range from Melinca, Guaitecas Is. in southern Chile (Odhner, 1926) to Callao Peru (Dall, 1909). It is usually found in the shallow subtidal to 30 m. where it feeds on a tan demosponge.

Reaching a length of 98 mm, this large dorid can be tan, yellow or orangish in color. Sometimes there are brown blotches where the large mantle meets the visceral hump.The minute tubercles, which give the species its name, are caryophyllidia and are paler than the dorsum. There are usually 6 widespread, highly branched, tan or yellow gills with white edging. The perfoliate rhinophores are the same color as the dorsum and end in light tips.

Text and photo courtesy of:

Sandra Millen

Department of Zoology
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6T 1Z4
Phone (604) 822-2087; Fax (604) 822-2416
Send Sandra E-Mail at
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For those of you interested in the photographic background information of the images, the following may be of interest!
Camera System: Bucket and Pentax

Strobe: None, natural light

Site: Dichato, Chile.

Photo Editing: PhotoStyler 2.0 on 486 DX-2 33 mhz/ 64 megs RAM

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