Phyllidiella rosans

Phyllidiella rosans (Bergh, 1873)
Family Phyllidiidae

Long, rounded pink ridges on a black body identify this species. The ridges are smooth. The edge of the mantle is pink and the rhinophores are black. Because of its pink on black coloration this nudibranch somewhat resembles iP. pustulosa/ another Hawaiian phyllidiid, but it is smaller and less common. Like most members of its family, it is active both day and night. To almost 1 1/2 in. but Hawaiian specimens are almost always much smaller. Indo-Pacific.

Photo: Pupukea, O`ahu. 30 ft.

Text courtesy of John Hoover

John P. Hoover lives in Honolulu. He has published two books on marine life of the Hawaiian Islands. His third (pictured at left), a field guide to the marine invertebrates of the Hawaii, will be available approximately May 1999. With over 600 photographs, it will cover 500 species, including 66 of Hawaii's most colorful and interesting opisthobranchs.

Hawaii's Fishes, a Guide for Snorkelers, Divers and Aquarists Mutual Publishing, 1993

Hawaii's Underwater Paradise, Mutual Publishing, 1997

Hawaii's Sea Creatures, a guide to Hawaii's Marine Invertebrates. Mutual Publishing, 1999.

John's books are available through Sea Challengers !

Send John E-Mail at

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