TITLE>Nudibranch of the Week is Dermatobranchus ornatus
The above photo was submitted by Wolfgang Seifarth of Heidelberg, Germany. The animal was discovered during a night dive in the Red Sea area in a substrate of broken stone corals at a depth of approximately 8 meters. Wolfgang is a dedicated nudibranch enthusiast and has even set up his own slug site at The German Slug Site.
Be sure and visit Wolfgang's site!
Biologist, Postdoc
Faculty of Clinical Sciences at the University of Heidelberg, Germany
Molecular Genetics and Cancer Research
Send Wolfgang e-mail at seifarth@rummelplatz.uni-mannheim.de
Strobe: YS50 TTL
Film: Kodak Elite 100
Site: Port Safaga, Red Sea
Photo Editing: PhotoStyler 2.0/Kodak Photo CD