Halgerda terrramtuentis Bertsch & Johnson, 1982
The Earthwatch Nudibranch (named to acknowledge the support and help given Scott Johnson's and my research efforts by the volunteers of Earthwatch expeditions during the summers of 1978, 1979 and 1980) ranges in size from 15-50 mm in total length. The body has a frim, gelatinous, smooth texture, with harder pustules scattered over the notum. The dorsum of its translucent white body is covered with a network of yellow-gold lines, with white pustules at the juncture of the lines. The mantle is margined with a complete yellow-gold edging. The long slender rhinophores and gills are white with black spotting.
We collected this animal rather frequently from numerous subtidal locations on Oahu (see our original description for bathymetric distribution data). We often found it on a yellow sponge.
Assoc. Prof. |