Unidentifiable Dendronotus species
This species of Dendronotus has been observed and photographed from Anacapa Island, in California, Vancouver, British Columbia and Alaska. It differs dramatically from all described species of Dendronutus along this coast being uniformly orange to red in body color, covered with white specks. One other white spotted species exists in this area, Dendronotus albopunctatus Robilliard, 1972. Until specimens of the reddish animal are collected and disections made, we cannot say for sure whether it is a dark variation of D. albopunctatus, or a new undescribed species. Behrens (1990) included this species separately as Dendronotus sp. 1 (species number 148) due to its lack of red spots and patches on the body surface and the lack of a white line along the edge of the foot, as described for D. albopunctatus. Recent sightings in the Vancouver area indicate that the species may reach 6 to 7 inches in length. Should you see this species, please collect it (State Fishing License may be required depending on your location) and contact the Webmaster.
David W. Behrens
Pacific Coast Nudibranchs
Send Dave mail at seachalleng@earthlink.net