Trapania sp.
The Website Master (Mike Miller) and I have had a bit of a discussion about presenting this species on the World Wide Web. Philosophically, I do not think that unnamed species should be posted. However, after careful consideration, I believe that this can be a scientific bonus. But it all depends on your responses!
Sandra Millen and I are currently working on naming this beast. We would appreciate more material: that is, verifiable location and seasonal (time) citings. Please send us your data, backed by photographs, of when and where you saw this new species of Trapania. Obviously, all material used in our description of this new species will be acknowledged with your name and whatever address you wish. So, divers and fellow ' branchers, to send your information: At the end of this page you will find my e-mail and FAX numbers.
This still-unnamed animal is a bit small (averaging about 8-12 mm in total length). It has a white body, with large black spots and streaks. This distal portions (tips) of the cephalic tentacles, rhinophores, gills, appendages and posterior protion of the tail are bright yellow.
So far, it has been identified in three subtidal sites around the Baja California peninsula: Isla Cedros, Cabo San Lucas and Bahia de los Angeles.
Its common name is "Terry's Yellow-tip Trapania." We can't say more, because the description is still being written.
Photos and text by Dr. Hans Bertsch
Assoc. Prof. |