Jorunna pardus, Behrens & Henderson, 1981
Specifically named "pardus" for its leopard spots, this dorid is easily recognized by its purple to black gills, rhinophores, and the brown to black pigment concentrated into leopard-like spots over the highly papillated dorsal surface. The papillae are caryophyllidic, ie, having spicules protruding from their tips. This gives this species a tough, abrasive feel. The choice of the name "pardus" was also made because the type locality of the species is Cat Rock, Anacapa Island in the California Channel Islands.
A similar spotted, undescribed species, Peltodoris sp. (Behrens, 1990, species # 124) can be differentiated by its yellow gills and rhinophores.
Jorunna may reach 60mm in length, and ranges from the Channel Islands, Palos Verdes, California to Sacramento Reef, Baja California, Mexico.
The above information courtesy of:
David W. Behrens
Pacific Coast Nudibranchs
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