Bibliography, Species Named by and in Honor, of James R. Lance
Compiled by Hans Bertsch, March 2006
Lance, James Robert.
1957. Principles of taxonomy in the nudibranchiata. American Malacological Union Annual Report, 1957.
1961. A distributional list of southern California opisthobranchs. Veliger 4 (2): 64-69.
1962 a. Two new opisthobranch mollusks from southern California. Veliger 4 (3): 155-159.
1962 b. A new Stiliger and a new Corambella (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia) from the northwestern Pacific. Veliger 5 (1): 33-38.
1962 c. A new species of Armina (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) from the Gulf of California. Veliger 5 (1): 51-54.
1966. New distributional records of some northeastern Pacific opisthobranchiata with descriptions of two new species. Veliger 9 (1) 69-81.
1967 a. The holotype of Bathydoris aoica [sic] Marcus and Marcus, 1962. Veliger 9 (4): 410.
1967 b. Northern and southern range extensions of Aplysia vaccaria (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia). Veliger 9 (4): 412.
1968. New panamic nudibranchs (Gastropoda; Opisthobranchia) from the Gulf of California. Transactions San Diego Society Natural History 15 (2): 3-13.
1969. Portraits of California's colorful sea slugs. Oceans Magazine 1 (5): 33-37.
1971. Observations on the sea hare Aplysia parvula (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) from the Gulf of California. Veliger 14 (1): 60-63.
1980. Splendor in the sea. Discover 1 (3): 58-63.
1983. California underwater. California Magazine 8 (3): 85-89.
Lewbel, George S., and James Robert Lance.
1975. Detached epidermal sheaths of Lophogorgia chilensis as a food for Polycera atra. Veliger 17 (4): 346.
Sphon, Gale G., and James Robert Lance.
1968. An annotated list of nudibranchs and their allies from Santa Barbara county, California. Proceedings California Academy Sciences, 4th series, 36 (3): 73-84.
SPECIES NAMED BY J.R. LANCE (with senior synonymies, emendations or generic changes):
Cadlina limbaughi Lance, 1962 (a) = Cadlina limbaughorum Lance, 1962
Phidiana pugnax Lance, 1962 (a) = Phidiana hiltoni (O'Donoghue, 1927)
Stiliger fuscovittata Lance, 1962 (b) = Stiliger fuscovittatus Lance, 1962
Corambella steinbergae Lance, 1962 (b) = Corambe steinbergae (Lance, 1962)
Armina convolvula Lance, 1962 (c) = Histiomena convolvula (Lance, 1962)
Thordisa bimaculata Lance, 1966
Okenia angelensis Lance, 1966
Chromodoris fayae Lance, 1968 = Glossodoris sedna (Marcus and Marcus, 1967)
Acanthodoris stohleri Lance, 1968 = Acanthodoris pina (Marcus and Marcus, 1967)
Nembrotha hubbsi Lance, 1968 = Tambja eliora (Marcus and Marcus, 1967)
Doto lancei Marcus and Marcus, 1967
Peltodoris lancei Millen, in Millen and Bertsch, 2000
Behrens, David K., and Alicia Hermosillo.
2005. Eastern Pacific nudibranchs: a guide to the opisthobranchs from Alaska to Central America. Sea Challengers, Monterey, CA. vi + 137 pp.
Marcus, Eveline, and Ernst Marcus.
1967. American opisthobranch mollusks. University of Miami, Institute of Marine Sciences, Studies in Tropical Oceanography 6: viii + 256 pp.
Millen, Sandra V., and Hans Bertsch.
2000. Three new species of dorid nudibranchs from southern California, USA, and the Baja California peninsula, Mexico. Veliger 43 (4): 354-366.
O'Donoghue, Charles Henry.
1927. Notes on a collection of nudibranchs from Laguna Beach, California. Journal Entomology & Zoology, Pomona College 19: 77-119.